Why Should I Return if I Feel Fine?

You entered your chiropractor’s office feeling terrible and now your problems are a thing of the past. Great! What’s next?

You’d probably be happy to return if your health deteriorates to the point where you have similar problems. But why would your chiropractor suggest a follow-up even if you feel fine?

‘Why can’t I return only when I’m feeling bad?’ you may ask.

‘I Feel Fine’ Health Care

How you feel is not always a good indication of how healthy you are; in fact you may feel fine while life-threatening vertebral subluxations (spinal distortions) are damaging your body.

We’ve all seen people looking like death warmed over who ‘feel fine’. They are walking targets, waiting for disease to strike before they decide to do anything about their health.

  • They ‘feel fine’, but have no energy;
  • they ‘feel fine’, but sleep poorly;
  • they ‘feel fine’, but are tired, have aches and pains, headaches or backaches.

Too many people who ‘feel fine’ have a sudden heart attack, stroke, debilitating pain or are diagnosed with a serious disease such as cancer.

They’ve lost touch with how they really feel. They’ll return for chiropractic care when they ‘feel like it’ and not a minute sooner.

They’ve stopped listening to their body’s subtle signs of sickness, and they won’t listen to their chiropractor either.

Why wait for something to go wrong before you attend to your health? It may be too late if you wait for symptoms.

Delays have dangerous ends.
-William Shakespeare

But Why Do I Need So Many Adjustments?

Many people first visit their chiropractor after they’ve had years of long-standing spinal subluxations.

By that time ‘gunk’ (scar tissue or fibrosis) builds up around the spinal discs, nerves and joints and causes spinal degeneration.

This ‘gunk’ is much more sensitive than normal tissue and that’s why some people who have been in accidents can tell when a storm’s coming.

That’s one reason why eighty-six percent of those in automobile accidents still have symptoms 10 years later.

Long-standing subluxations also cause postural changes, so tender muscle areas (trigger or tender spots) develop.’ You may ‘feel fine’, but when someone touches a ‘hot spot’, you jump!

Which Phase Are You In? (The 3 Phases of Chiropractic Care)

The Acute Phase

In this phase you may be in a state of discomfort or pain; people often visit a chiropractor when they’re in this phase.

Reconstructive or Spinal Healing Phase

In this phase you continue to go to your chiropractor because you need continued corrective care in order to strengthen and heal.

Individuals in this phase may find that nearly every time they come in for a spinal checkup their spine is out of alignment.

Health Maintenance Phase

Now your spine is holding its adjustments; you come in every so often for a spinal checkup and possible adjustment.

Think of this in the same way that you think of a car tune-up every few thousand miles.

Post-Accident Changes

Scar tissue takes a long time to heal and it may take months or years of spinal adjustments before your spine is strong again.

The earlier you begin chiropractic care the better; the longer you wait, the more scar tissue ‘gunk’ builds up.

Why Periodic Care?

Though your symptoms may disappear after a few spinal adjustments, the spinal degeneration will usually remain.

The chances are that you’ll be back in the chiropractor’s office in the not-too-distant future with symptoms that take longer to go away (‘I don’t understand it doctor, the last time I felt better after a couple of visits…’).

Why Settle For Less In Your Health?

Many people visit their doctor of chiropractic only when they’re sick or in pain. That’s a lot better than resorting to drugs or surgery, but chiropractic has so much more to offer.

Keep your spine free of vertebral subluxations so it may continue healing; so that it may promote a healthier body, with less stress, more energy and greater resistance to disease.

Why be content to be merely free from pain when you can also ensure better health, vitality and strength for yourself and your entire family for your entire lives?


No matter what disease or condition you have, you can benefit from a healthy spine. Spinal health can be as important for your overall healing as proper nutrition.

Are you and your family carrying the vertebral subluxation complex in your spines? Only a chiropractic spinal checkup can tell.

Among the many things contributing to your health: the quality of the air, food and water you take in; how you handle emotional stress; your inherited weaknesses and strengths; your use of drugs; exercise; and relaxation-a healthy spine is absolutely essential.

In some people it is a major factor and can make the difference between a life of health, strength and vitality or a life of disease, weakness and disability.

A healthy spine can improve your life-see your chiropractor for periodic spinal checkups.

Source : Koren Publication