By releasing stress on the nervous system, chiropractic permits the immune system to function more effectively-something all allergy sufferers need. A nervous system without stress functions more efficiently.
Recent understandings in psychoneuroimmunology reveal that when the nervous system functions better the immune system benefits. Chiropractors correct a basic cause of body malfunction to improve the function of your immune system.
Please note that the chiropractic approach is to remove vertebral subluxations, a common spinal distortion that puts stress on your nervous system.
Freed of nervous system stress, your body will work more effectively to neutralize the allergy-causing chemicals in your environment.
As Dr. Kurt Donsback has said:
“A healthy body is capable of neutralizing these toxic substances and a body which has malfunctioning defense mechanisms cannot. The emphasis on allergies must be on building a healthy body, not on trying to use evasive tactics by eliminating all the allergens.”